Carpet Shampoo Rental
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If your weekly vacuuming is not doing the trick in a particular problem area, it might be time for a more professional solution. Rather than hiring an expensive carpet cleaning company, you can rent a machine yourself and clean all the carpets in your house in just an afternoon. Since carpet shampooing is such an infrequent job, it doesn’t make sense to purchase a special machine for the job only for it to collect dust in the attic for the next year. Instead we’ve made it simple by carrying Rug Doctor’s great carpet shampooing products and rental machines to take care of your dirty carpet without having to store a bulky machine. We carry both large carpet cleaners for whole house jobs and smaller units for spot treatment. Rentals start at $29.99 and will save you over $200 over a professional cleaning service.
Rug Doctor uses suction and a constant flow of water with a special carpet shampoo to clean every angle of your carpet’s fibers. Set up is quick and easy; first, premix the shampoo with hot water in a separate bucket. Now fill the lower chamber with the solution, check the cords to make sure everything is in place, and you’re ready to start cleaning! The Rug Doctor is an enclosed system, so dirty water will be collected in the upper chamber for you to pour down the sink, giving you a very clear visual of the work you’ve done, and just how much dirt was in your carpet.
Whether you are hoping to impress the in laws or remove harmful allergens and pet dander, the Rug Doctor is a powerful, yet affordable alternative to an expensive professional cleaning service. Visit a Hi School Pharmacy to rent yours today!